Gun Shops in England
This section contains links to gun shops and specialist gun dealers located throughout England.
1 to 6 of 12 listings
East Grinstead Guns Ltd
We have been established since 1972. Our premises includes a shop stocking a large selection of sporting guns, ammunition and accessories, a workshop for woodworking and gun fitting and a second workshop containing specialist gunmaking machinery.
Sportsman Gun Centre
The Sportsman Gun Centre offers a 'one stop shop' for the modern shooter, we supply shotguns, rifles, air guns, optics and accessories to both trade and retail customers.
Park Street Guns
Main dealership for numerous top brands such as Beretta and Browning, we also sell secondhand guns including English side by sides and small bores. Large range of airguns.
Patrick Keen Guns
Patrick Keen has built up an enviable collection of quality guns including sidelocks, boxlocks, over & unders, hammer and wildfowling guns. The stock list is continually updated.
Cheshire Gun Room
Dealers in all types of air guns, rifles, sporting guns, country clothing and accessories. High quality gun smithing, repairs and restorations available on site.
Norfolk Sporting Guns
Stockists of new and used guns and all leading brands of accessories and ammunition, specialists in the repair and renovation of sporting shotguns. Bespoke guns built to order.
The Gun Cupboard
New and seconhand shotguns and rifles, large range of quality clothing and shooting accessories including bags, lamps, decoys and camouflage nets.
Simpson's of Newmarket
We stock a large selection of shotguns, both new and second hand and specialise in side by side and small gauge shotguns. Part-exchange service, gun fitting, alterations and repairs.
Henry Krank & Company Ltd
The company carries a vast stock including airguns, field target rifles, classic sporting guns, antique guns and a wide range of accessories for most shooting sports activities.
Melbourne Tackle & Gun
Professional and friendly advice in a traditional country setting on all aspects of clay and game shooting, fishing and country clothing. Quality shotguns bought and sold.